====== 💡My DokuWiki setup as a notepad ======
===== Plugins needed =====
===== Configuration Manager =====
==== Section "display" ====
breadcrumbs: set to 0\\
youarehere: check\\
dformat: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M\\
sneaky_index: check
==== Section "links" ====
target»extern: _blank
==== Section "media" ====
jpg_quality: 80
===== Access Control List Management =====
Settings to be found under ''doku.php?id=start&do=admin&page=acl''
^ Page/Namespace ^ User/Group ^ Permissions ^
| * | @ALL | read |
| * | @user | upload |
| playground:* | @ALL | none|
| wiki:* | @ALL | read |
===== Sidebar =====
Edit page ''doku.php?id=sidebar'' and insert this dokuwiki source:
===== Navigation =====
===== Every start page =====
Content of every start page, for example ''doku.php?id=linux:start''
====== Some name (works as an index page) ======
===== Other customizations =====
To hide or change the footer with license information and badges ("powered by" icons) edit the file ''lib/tpl/dokuwiki/tpl_footer.php''.\\
Other template related functions are in ''inc/template.php''