====== Vorbis speech compression ====== [[https://xiph.org/vorbis/|Vorbis audio format]] is suitable for effective speech compression (note that this will also downmix it from stereo to mono). ''oggenc'' (command line tool) //parameters// for speech compression with best size/quality ratio: smallest file, lower quality: -q 0 --resample 22050 -S 1 --downmix --advanced-encode-option lowpass_frequency=6 small file, better quality: -q 1 --resample 22050 -S 1 --downmix --advanced-encode-option lowpass_frequency=8 ''oggenc'' is part of package [[https://packages.debian.org/stable/vorbis-tools|vorbis-tools]]. __Sidenote__: [[https://opus-codec.org/|Opus audio format]] is generally more effective for both music and speech, but player support is a bit worse compared to Vorbis.